Reflections from a YAP Participant
I attended the Sarana Young Adult program in 2017. I wasn’t quite sure what I should expect, as I had never attended a program like this before.I was amazed at the end of the first day! Meditation practice was not something I had incorporated into my life, despite wanting to. I hadn’t been able to calm myself enough to sit quietly, and when I was able to, I had always felt uncomfortable. The very first day taught me proper posture, breathing, and focus. It had a tremendous impact on my ability to meditate, and I found that I quite enjoyed it. It turned meditation from a foreign, strange practice I did not understand, into a simple and relaxing pursuit; I now practice regularly, and am a different person for it.
The meditation was only a part of the whole program. There were parts dedicated to nature awareness, nutrition, compassion, mindfulness, empathy, healing, permaculture and gardening, First Nations and Buddhist philosophy, and fasting. Each part was equally well planned, informative, and enjoyable, and contributed to a balanced and fun 6 days. The program culminated with an inner quest, which, while challenging, pushed me to go further than I would have gone otherwise. It was a profound experience.The amazing and diverse faculty made the program run smoothly, and provided insight and advice when asked. The location was beautiful, and the food was delicious. I would highly recommend the Sarana Young Adult Program to anyone who is looking for an enlightening and eye-opening experience; something help you get back in touch with who you really are. -Tommy Horton2017 YAP participantCo-founder of Greens4Life Microgreens